Plaintiff, Chief Justice James Everett
Craig Maus
William F. Patterson
(1). A former Constitutional Court OPINION dated February 05, 2012 [EXHIBIT "A"] provided that:
Neither the Executive Branch; the Security Council nor the Secretary of State have authority under the 1861 Constitution
for the Confederate States of America to dismiss the Legislative Branch or the Constitutional Court. Neither is there found any guidance in the Mission Statement of the Security Council or the Plan of Liberation restoration agenda to do so; or to summarily re-write governmental structure. A document entitled Notice of Dismissal, on behalf of the Security Council, was communicated by William Patterson, Secretary of State [dated 01-31-2012]. This summary, Star Chamber, ex parte document entitled Notice of Dismissal is void ab initio, invalid, without jurisdiction or authority and has rightfully been rejected both officially by the Constitutional Court and personally by State Citizens.
(2). The February 05, 2012 OPINION further stated that:
Confederate States of America Constitutional Court communication officially rejected Defendants Notice of Dismissal, dated 01-31-2012; and the Response of Douglas McPherson to Notice of Dismissal dated 02-01-2012, communicated personal point-by-point rebuttal. This communication served upon the Security Council and Secretary of State has not been officially responded to of record. Yet another communication entitled Regrettable Concerns from Within, Part I — Regarding William Patterson, and Part II — Recent events within the Confederate States of America Provincial Government, also remains un-responded to by the Security Council even though it is a function and duty required of that governmental office because serious concerns have been brought to their attention. [EXHIBIT "B"].
(3). This Constitutional Court for the Confederate States of America responded most appropriately by taking action ex rel in the interest of the Confederate Citizens within confines of enumerated authority under our 1861 Constitution for the Confederate States of America. On February 22, 2012, a COMPLAINT [EXHIBIT "C"] was served upon Defendants Craig Maus and William Patterson addressing issues found in the February 05, 2012 OPINION. This case involves both constitutional issues and violations of public and private laws and statutes of the Confederate States of America.
(4). Defendants Craig Maus and William Patterson are both in default for not having responded to the February 22, 2012 COMPLAINT of charges and SUMMONS served upon them.
(5). As to the First and Second Cause of Action it is the opinion of The Constitutional Court, Chief Justice James Everett presiding, in concurrence with 99% of the State Citizens voting as jury have found that Mr. Craig Maus acted knowingly, and in concert with Mr. William Patterson, without Jurisdiction of either the Security Council, the Security Council Chairman, or the Secretary of State, on issuance of said vaguely worded document entitled Notice of Dismissal, [dated 01-31-2012] in a coupe attempt to gain control of the CSA Central Provisional government, and assume dictatorial powers, in violation of the Structure of the CSA Provisional governments structure, and, the Constitution for the Confederate States of America.
(6). For these egregious actions it is the opinion of The Constitutional Court, Chief Justice James Everett presiding, in concurrence with 99% of the State Citizens voting as jury have found that in Case No. 2012-1 Mr. Craig Maus did knowingly act in Concert with Secretary of State William Patterson, to assume dictatorial powers to themselves and the Security Council, acting as the Executive Department of the CSA Provisional government. Therefore it is the opinion of The Constitutional Court, Chief Justice James Everett presiding, in concurrence with 99% of the State Citizens voting as jury have found that that Mr. Maus should be removed from any and all offices that he may hold within the CSA Provisional government, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATLY.
(7). As to the Third Cause of Action, it is the opinion of The Constitutional Court, Chief Justice James Everett presiding, in concurrence with 99% of the State Citizens voting as jury have found that Mr. Craig Maus was involved with, and acted in concert and conspired with William Patterson to disruption of the official line of communication (, by deleting Constitutional Court agenda and denying the appointed Webmaster/Editor working access to the official website.
Mr. Craig Maus was fully aware of this communiqué, and included as a witness from Secretary of State Mr. William Patterson, acting on behalf of all officers within the CSA central Provisional government, and the CSA citizenry as communications liaison to Net Perspective and as funds coordinator…..
Dear Carol Paul,
If we must continue paying for these other domains that you host for the remainder of this year, please make sure that only James Everett is the webmaster for each and that no one else will be able to access or control these sites without the knowledge and approval of all the people mentioned herein: Dennis Joyce, James Everett, Craig Maus, and William Patterson. This is for security purposes.
Again thank you.
Bill Patterson
(8). Mr. Craig Maus, and Mr. William Patterson, took control of the official line of communication ( and its sites, without knowledge, and APPROVAL of all the people mentioned. Therefore, The Constitutional Court, Chief Justice James Everett presiding, in concurrence with 99% of the State Citizens voting as jury, have found that that Mr. Maus should be removed from any and all offices that he may hold within the CSA Provisional government, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATLY.
(9). As to the Fourth Cause of Action, it is the opinion of The Constitutional Court, Chief Justice James Everett presiding, in concurrence with 99% of the State Citizens voting as jury has found that Mr. Craig Maus has been derelict in his duties as Security council Chairman to address these concerns, which have not as of April 16, 2012 been addressed by Chairman Maus, or any officer of the Security Council. Therefore, The Constitutional Court, Chief Justice James Everett presiding, in concurrence with 99% of the State Citizens voting as jury has found that Mr. Maus shall be removed from any and all offices that he may hold within the CSA Provisional government, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATLY.
(10). As to the Fifth Cause of Action, it is the opinion of The Constitutional Court, Chief Justice James Everett presiding, in concurrence with 99% of the State Citizens voting as jury have found, that Mr. Craig Maus has exceeded his term of office on the Security Council as directed by the Security Council Mission Statement which reads….
The Chairman will act as the chief executive of the security council and thus of the CSA, recognizing that he is subject to the oversight of the Constitutional Court and not free to establish or determine official positions or opinions, or to launch ideas and actions without prior approval of the Court nor without the majority approval of the Security Council. The Chairman shall act as chairman assigning committees for projects, coordinating committees of the Security Council by phone and email. The term of service of the Chairman is limited to 6 months during which time he shall serve at the pleasure of the Constitutional Court and the Office of Registration. His term may be extended for one extra term in succession by vote of the Security Council. The Chairman may resign, but with notice in writing to both the Office of Registration and the Security Council giving at least 30 days for a replacement and in resigning or finishing a term he will tender documents in his possession that will be needed by the replacement Chairman.
(11). Therefore it is the opinion of this Court that Mr. Craig Maus shall be removed from any and all offices that he may hold within the CSA Provisional government, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY, and that all acts of appointment by him after his term limit had expired shall be NULL and VOID Effective immediately.
(12). Therefore it is also the opinion of this Court that Mr. William Patterson shall be removed as a Member of the Security Council and from the Office of Secretary of State and National Registrar that he holds within the CSA Provisional government, EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY.
DONE AND ORDERED this 10th day of May, 2012
Hon. James Everett, Chief Justice
Hon. Dennis Joyce, Justice
Hon. Douglas McPherson, Justice