Friday, 25 January 2013

Southern flag flies in Quebec

Thanks to ‘Gothik Dixie Crow’ for the picture!

Secession House in Beaufort, South Carolina

Yesterday I had the pleasure of visiting the historic and beautiful Lowcountry town of Beaufort, South Carolina, which has been named ‘Best Small Southern Town’ by Southern Living magazine. I took photos and video footage for a planned series on the Lowcountry, Robert Barnwell Rhett and the birth of South nationalism. The pictures below are a few that I took of the Secession House that sits just a block from the city’s harbour. This house was built in 1810 and later purchased by Edmund Rhett, Robert’s brother. Rhett remodeled his home in the Greek Revival style popular in the Antebellum South. The Database of Historical Markers provides more information and historic pictures of the home: Edmund Rhett, along with his brother Robert Barnwell Rhett (1800-1876), lawyer, state representative, state attorney general, U.S. congressman and senator, was an outspoken champion of state rights and Southern nationalism from the 1830′s to the Civil War. This house, long known as “Secession House,” was the scene of many informal discussions and formal meetings during the 1850′s by the Rhetts and their allies advocating secession and Southern independence. Notice that the term ‘Southern nationalism’ is here used. It is also present, you will notice, on the South Carolina historical marker which stands in front of the home. Enjoy the photographs!


Ruins of the Golden Circle: ‘Beast’ to patrol crime-ridden Atlanta

Atlanta, Georgia is often held up by the US media as the model of the ‘New South‘ and capital of the ‘Sunbelt.’ However, all is not well in this once-Southern city which has been heavily re-populated with non-Southerners. Atlanta, as well as the rest of the post-plantation region known as the ‘Golden Circle‘ by many in the nineteenth century, is experiencing many of the same challenges as other cities within the region. One of those challenges is a major crime problem that arises from what are essentially Third World areas of the metropolises. This is a challenge that largely stems from the imposition of equality and democracy upon the region, an imposition which led to the total collapse of civilisation in some parts of the region (such as St Domingue, now known as Haiti). In other places such as South Carolina the collapse of civilisation was prevented only by a revolution which restored order and civility. However, even in places such as Dixie and Brazil where civilisation was not lost, chaos and poverty resulted from the egalitarian experiment in the formerly wealthy and ordered agrarian regions. Recently, we have reported on the killing wave in Brazil and how the Brazilian government has had to launch a major military/police operation with tanks and helicopters to re-take the vast Third World slums from heavily armed criminal gangs. Atlanta is not that bad yet. Indeed, there are very nice parts of the city, much as there are in the Brazilian cities that are ringed by slums. Crime and violence, however, are a major problem and Atlanta has a reputation for this (it is the eighth most dangerous city in the USA). It is now being reported that police departments in the Atlanta area are using the Lenco Bearcat, an armoured personnel carrier, in the fight against a crime wave that includes home invasions and burglaries. These vehicles cost about a quarter of a million dollars or more each and, as reported in the WND news article, they are sold to police departments across the United States – often with Federal funding assistance. The company that produces them is based in Massachusetts. This means that Southerners are taxed in order to enrich a New England business and to put armoured personnel carriers in Southern cities that have been devastated by the imposition of the Northern political and social agenda. This is what is referred to as ‘progress’ and is, of course, just one of the many benefits that Southerners receive for living under the United States Federal Government.

Texans fight on for independence from USA

Manny Fernandez’s recent article for The New York Times makes it clear that while Barack Obama may have rejected the right of self-determination, secessionists in Texas are not going away. The Texas Nationalist Movement, a pro-independence group spotlighted in the article, recently held a rally for secession at the State capital and spent the day lobbying government officials on the issue. As National Public Radio has reported, the States and regions are more divided than ever. Obama’s recent executive orders restricting gun rights have only heightened the tension, provoking a backlash from State governments and sheriffs. Fernandez writes: [T]he response — in which a White House official said the founding fathers established the United States as a “perpetual union” — hardly discouraged the Texas secession movement, which has been simmering for decades but gained momentum after the re-election of President Obama. On the opening day of the Legislature here last Tuesday, supporters of the Texas Nationalist Movement — a group that wants Texas to sever its federal ties and become an independent nation — met with Republican leaders, including Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst. It was another sign that ideas once regarded as radical and even unpatriotic have found a measure of support, or at least sympathy, among some conservatives. The movement also scored a mention in one legislator’s opening-day speech, though it was not a reference that pleased supporters of the cause. “Our economy is so vast and diverse that if Texas were its own country — and no, don’t worry, that isn’t something we’re going to do this session — but if we were, we’d be the 14th-largest economy in the world,” the speaker of the House, Joe Straus III, a San Antonio Republican, told lawmakers. …The communications director for the Texas Nationalist Movement, Jeff Sadighi, shrugged off the White House response and pointed to a section of the State Constitution that says Texans have the right “to alter, reform or abolish their government in such manner as they may think expedient.” At the opening of the legislative session, the group rallied on the steps of the Capitol and went to the offices of lawmakers seeking support for a referendum asking Texas voters to accept or reject secession. They got a warm reception: the group’s president, Daniel Miller, met with Mr. Dewhurst for about an hour. “We had a lengthy discussion about the U.S. Constitution, the Texas Constitution and the future of Texas,” Mr. Miller said. “He was cordial and engaging on the issues with which we are concerned.” A spokesman for the lieutenant governor, Matt Hirsch, said that Mr. Miller was one of several constituents who met with Mr. Dewhurst on the first day of the session, but that as a proud veteran Mr. Dewhurst believed in preserving and protecting the Union. Advocates for self-determination are finally being treated with some respect by some in the media and many in State government. This is a radical change from even just a few years ago. It should be pointed out that Lt Governor Dewhurst, who was born in 1945, bases his opposition to independence upon having been in the US military. Of course, a large number of secessionists, both historically and presently, were at one time or another in the US military. But the question that Dewhurst should be asked is does he truthfully consider the USA to be the same one (in terms of values, demography, culture and politics) for which he fought many years ago? The clear answer to this question is ‘no.’ Given all the many problems with the United States in the 1960s, it is still true that things for White Southern conservatives such as Dewhurst have been made far worse since then. In fact, the US media and Dewhurst’s political opponents regularly celebrate the fact that, given present US trends that result from Federal policy, people like Dewhurst are rapidly being displaced. This is not something that just happened without cause; present US trends (which are displacing people like Dewhurst and which will make future generations of his family a small minority with little political influence in their own land) are a result of the policies imposed upon Texas and the other States by the US Federal Government. Those trends could be halted or reversed if Texas were independent.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Discovery Channel is Anti-2nd Amendment and Anti-South

27201In the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting, the Discovery Channel has caved to pressure from the anti-gun elements of our society and has cancelled among others, the popular program “Sons of Guns” of which I was/am an avid fan. Leading the charge is of course the New York Times, the pompous Yankee daily that demonizes anything southern and anything freedom related. 
Although the article was rather ambiguous about the status of the show, it’s reasonable to assume based on the cancellation of other “gun shows” that the Baton Rouge based, Red Jacket Firearms will no longer be the topic of a popular reality show on the network. The status of the show is not ratings related.
Complaints about the show centered around the fact that it made “buying/owning guns seem fun, glamorous, even normal,” and that it was “inappropriate” to broadcast the program in the aftermath of Friday’s events. Given the fact that almost half of Americans own guns, one wonders how owning guns in America can be described as anything other than “normal”.
You see owning guns is only “normal” for those crazies and southerners right? Any other normal person living in New England the Upper Midwest or the West Coast, would have no need for guns. Those sophisticated societies are virtually free of gun crime right? After all protecting yourself is nuts, leave the protection to the government, they are doing a great job.

Southern Industry: Total Net Electricity Generation

Total Net Electricity Generation (thousand MWh), August 2012
Texas – 44,522
Florida – 21,836
Alabama – 15,064
Georgia – 12,115
Louisiana – 9,939
North Carolina – 11,411
South Carolina – 9,063
Missouri – 8,797
Kentucky – 8,683
Oklahoma – 8,249
Tennessee – 7,602
West Virginia – 7,218
Virginia – 7,033
Arkansas – 6,203
Mississippi – 5,629
Total U.S. South: 183,364
Percent of U.S. South Net Electricity Generation: 47%

Southern potential: Agriculture & energy

By the League of South
Once upon a time, not so long ago, the Southern people enjoyed one of the wealthiest and most productive societies in the entire world. The Southern States produced about 75% of the world’s cotton, with sales of this crop constituting about 60% of all US exports. The strength of the US economy at that time was largely based on the output of Southern plantations. Cottonwas then the most valuable commodity traded internationally. This was before Southern independence and the subsequent US invasion and destruction of much of the South.
Much has changed since then but once again the South is in place to be among the wealthiest, most productive places on this planet. Southerners have largely recovered from the total war the United States waged against them and have an impressive infrastructure, agricultural output and energy potential. The only thing holding the South back at this point are the restrictive regulations and crippling policies imposed upon Southerners by the US Federal Government. Freed from those policies, there is no reason to believe Southerners wouldn’t return to a position of great prosperity.
Hunter Wallace at the site Confederate Renaissance has done some research over the last month or so on the economic output and potential of the South. His findings fly in the face of the US stereotype of the South being a backwards, impoverished region. As noted above, the only thing holding Southerners back is Washington, DC. Some of his findings are summarised below:
The South produces about half of US nuclear energy - and freed of DC regulations could produce MUCH more.
The South produces about half of US nuclear energy – and freed of DC regulations could produce MUCH more.
  • The South produces 80% of US cotton, with Texas (28.6%) leading the way and Mississippi (9.7%), Georgia (9%) and Arkansas (8.6%) all producing quite a bit as well.
  • About 81% of US rice is produced in the South, with the people of Arkansas accounting for nearly half (46.7%).
  • Poultry is almost an entirely (90%) Southern industry in the USA. Georgia and Arkansas are nearly tied for first place in this field.
  • The South also produce nearly half (46%) of all the eggs in the US.
  • Almost all (98.6%) of peanutsproduced in the US come from the South.
  • The vast majority of pecans (76.2%) are produced in Dixie.
  • The South produces 21% of US soybeans.
  • One third (33,1%) of cattle and calves in the US come from the South.
  • Twenty-seven percent of hogs in the US come from Dixie.
  • About 60% of all US forest products are produced in the South.
  • Eighteen percent of US coal reserves are in the South.
  • Thirty-one percent of US coal production comes from the South.
  • Texas, the Gulf of Mexico, Oklahoma and Louisiana are rich in natural gas.
  • The South produces about half (47%) of the US’s electricity.
These are really just the tip of the iceberg. A great deal of South’s economic, agricultural and energy potential is not included here, but one can get an idea of the wealth that the South could produce from the above number. Is there any doubt that the South would be an economic superpower if it were freed from the burdensome regulations, taxation, and legislation forced upon it by Washington, DC? Southerners have one of the richest and most fertile lands in all the world. The Southern people have demonstrated the capacity to harness those resources, producing products that feed and provide energy for people across the United States and beyond. This combination of Southern ingenuity and a bountiful land would allow Southerners to enjoy an extremely high level of prosperity and production – if they were free. And as we have seen from recent polls and news reports, millions of Southerners do want to be free.