Friday, 10 July 2015

Honoring Confederate Flags and Symbols

During Vietnam, while at Fort Benning, Georgia as a young enlistee, I witnessed a parade with Army historical color guards and colors from our nation’s history being paraded.  I still have photos of it.  As a young Southerner I was proud of the fact that a Confederate Army color guard marched with a Battle Flag in review.  This color guard represented the valor and courage of soldiers who were my ancestors. Under President McKinley, a series of four acts of Congress from 1900-1958 restored Confederate soldiers’ standing as “American” soldiers ---- part of “reconciliation” of the North and South.  That’s why Confederates have VA headstones. That reconciliation is now being undone by haters and people with a lack of cultural historical knowledge and appreciation despite a comprehensive national poll by Lou Harris. That poll shows that 82% of Americans have no problems with Confederate emblems.  In an age of PC, the tyranny of the minority appears to be the rule.

I have taught logic and critical thinking courses at the Army’s Command and General Staff College for years. I taught in the graduate history department prior to retiring from the US Army.  What amazes me is the lack of historical knowledge by graduate students.  Former Under Secretary of the Army, Norm Augustine (retired chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin) in a recent ARMY magazine article stated that “…it’s not primarily the memorized facts that have current and former CEOs like me concerned.  It’s the other things that subjects like history impart: critical thinking….”.  Dr. Bruce Cole (Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and a member of the Eisenhower Memorial Commission) stated in a column entitled “American Amnesia” that a:

“…study of students at 55 elite universities found that over a third were unable to identify the Constitution as establishing the division of powers in our government, only 29% could identify the term "Reconstruction" and 40% could not place the Civil War in the correct century….[and]…that over half of high school seniors couldn't say who we fought in World War II.”

The poll represents “educated” Americans.  Some of these are the same people mindlessly criticizing Confederate monuments, symbols and flags that they know virtually nothing about.

When Army students (mostly majors) ask me if Confederates wore gray, or blue uniforms, I know that even we, as a professional military institution, reflect the history ignorance of our society at large.  In the graduate course on the Civil War that I taught, more than half of the military students were at the high school, or lower, level of knowledge about the Civil War. Unfortunately, the best educated on US history are many times our foreign military students.  So what?  Well, if US students don’t know the basic facts of the war, how can they understand the more complex ones?  They can’t.  They parrot mindless mantras like “The Confederate flag is a symbol of racism!”  I guarantee they don’t know the difference between the “Stars and Bars” and the “Battle Flag”.

Granted, some racists have misused the Battle Flag. They misuse the US flag just as much, yet, under the (il)logic of Confederate flag haters, it gets a total “pass”.  A number of photos of KKK rallies with US flags can be easily found online.  One of the largest KKK rallies occurred in Washington, D.C. and not a single Confederate flag can be seen in a sea of US flags. This logic fallacy of stereotyping everyone with a Confederate emblem as a racist is ignorant and totally illogical except for some like Louis Farrakhan.  He uses the same criteria to condemn the US flag.  His logic is perfect----even if his premise is wrong.  Yep, the US flag is a RACIST emblem.

Cultural cleansing is wrong.  Our version of the Taliban is trying to cleanse our Southern heritage because of ignorance.  The Sons of Union Veterans (descendants of Union soldiers) proclaim in a 2000 resolution that they support the flying of the Confederate Battle Flag and our Confederate monuments.  They recognize the history and truth of why Southerners honor their ancestors.  President Eisenhower, who recorded his views in a letter to a concerned citizen, told why he honored General Lee with a portrait in his White House office.  In their convoluted reasoning, haters believe Eisenhower was a racist for doing that as well.

LtCol (ret) Edwin Kennedy is a retired US Army infantryman.  He was invited to speak at the Army’s Equal Opportunity Conference at Fort Gordon, Georgia about black Confederate soldiers.  He has given that presentation around the country.  The views expressed in this column are his personal ones and do not reflect the official views of the US Army’s Command and General Staff College or those of the US Army.

Monday, 15 June 2015


Most of eastern North Carolina lay open to the Union troops from early 1862, and by degrees they stripped the entire region of everything of value that was moveable and whole shiploads of booty were sent north. New Bern-native Edward Stanly was appointed military governor by Lincoln in late May 1862 and sent to occupied Morehead City to govern his subjects, but even he lost hope of restoring the Tarheel State to the Union after watching shiploads of loot heading northward. He resigned his appointment a year later.

Stanly wrote: "Had the war in North Carolina been conducted by soldiers who were Christians and gentlemen, the State would have long ago rebelled against rebellion. But instead of that, what was done? Thousands and thousands of dollars worth of property were conveyed North. Libraries, pianos, carpets, mirrors, family portraits, everything in short, that could be removed, was stolen by men abusing flagitious slave holders and preaching liberty, justice and civilization.

 I was informed that one regiment of abolitionists had conveyed North more than $40,000 worth of property. They literally robbed the cradle and the grave. Family burial vaults were broken open for robbery; and in one instance (the fact was published in a Boston newspaper and admitted to me by an officer of high position in the army) a vault was entered, a metallic coffin removed, and the remains cast out that those of a dead [northern] soldier might be put in the place.” (Hamilton, pp. 94-95)

Georgia’s likely last ‘real son’ of a Confederate veteran dies

H.V. Booth, likely the last surviving “real son” of a Georgia Confederate veteran, has died at age 96 in Elberton, according to a local funeral home.
Mr. Booth was the son of Isham Johnson Booth, a guard at Camp Sumter, also known as Andersonville, the nightmarish Civil War prison compound where nearly 13,000 Yankee prisoners died.
“While there are thousands of men in Georgia and across the South who proudly wear the name “Sons of Confederate Veterans,” the number of literal sons of the war veterans, themselves, has dwindled down to fewer than half a dozen across the South,” said the Georgia Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Berry Funeral Home & Crematory in Elberton confirmed Mr. Booth’s death. He died June 7.
Henry Victor Booth took his bit of celebrity with humility and humor.
When, in 2012, another real son of a Georgia Confederate veteran was buried, John McDonald, word circulated that there were no more.
Some called it “the end of an era.” Turned out it wasn’t. Mr. Booth remained.

Saturday, 13 June 2015

I am a good ole rebel (Novorossiya version)

New Russia flag July 2014The forces of Novorossiya (New Russia) have already adopted a version of our Southern battle flag. Now, they have adopted perhaps our best “rebel” song, appropriately entitled “I’m a good ole rebel.” Listen for yourself>

American or Southerner?

battleflChoose this day whether you be an American or a Southerner. You cannot be both. If you are an American you must become a propositionalist who believes all men–and their cultures–are created equal. You must profess fealty to the progressivist trinity of multiculturalism, diversity, and tolerance. You must speak well of homosexuals and actively support “gay marriage.” You must believe in an all-inclusive “gospel.” You must confess the grievous racial and cultural sins of white Europeans. And you must sit in the seat of everlasting repentance for the transgressions of your ancestors.
As for me and my house, we chose to be Southerners standing for our God, our folk, and our homeland.

Kentucky LS says “Feds Out” in Alexandria

Kentucky LS demo in Alexandria may 2015On Saturday, 30 May, the Kentucky League of the South held a demonstration in Alexandria. The demonstration’s objective was to spread the messages “Feds Out of Kentucky” and “Secede to Survive.” These two message are of course geared toward The League’s overarching goal of Southern independence. Our congratulations go out to Kentucky LS State Chairman Coleman Lacy for organizing this event and the Southern nationalist patriots who stood with him for our cause.
Reports from Mr. Lacy indicated that fourteen men and women participated in the demonstration and that the reaction from the general public was overwhelming positive to our message. We invite the public to stand with us at future demonstrations to let the powers-that-be know that there is growing resistance to bad government in Washington, DC.

It’s time for some truth

White school we want it June 2015 Will things return to this in the South (see photo at right)? Let’s hope so. De-segregation and integration have been abject failures, just as our Southern forebears in the 1950s and 1960s said they would. Leftist policies have destroyed whole cities, schools systems, and other once-healthy institutions. It’s time to force the left to admit the truth and turn back the clock, as it were, to a more sane time and policy. The survival of our civilization depends on it.
Michael Hill

Florida LS Independence Summit in Jacksonville

LS Apopka Fla demo Sept 2014The Florida League of the South will host an Independence Summit in Jacksonville on Saturday, June 6th. The summit will be held at the Jacksonville Public Library, West Regional Branch, beginning at 10:30 a.m.
The general theme of the summit will be the impossibility and undesirability of reforming the USA regime. Instead, secession and Southern independence are the answers.
Come and join the Florida League of the South for a day of stimulating presentations that you will not get at a GOP or other mainstream “conservative” event! For more information, see our Facebook event page:

Sunday, 19 April 2015

League of the South demonstrates at CPAC

The following is a report from Shane Long, chairman of the Maryland-Virginia League of the South:
CPAC 2015 got a shock to their system when the league of the south and a few members of TradYouth, lead by “new face of hate” Matthew Heimbach, organized in opposition. Originally planned as an anti-immigration rally, plans were altered in recent weeks to fit current events within CPAC.
On Friday, members of the League attended the conference and gained numerous contacts within the GOP, many of whom expressed their disillusionment with the Federal system and both sides of the political party game.
Saturday’s CPAC panel featured the Log Cabin Republicans, a republican homosexual group. The panel was intended to discuss the need for stronger measures within the United States government against Russia, a country which has seen enormous growth since the fall of the Soviet Union. Of particular interest, an insistence on the necessity of the Republican Party to defend the borders of Ukraine. An issue which apparently holds much higher significance than the security of our own border on the list of priorities for Republicans.
Given the calls for military action which would no doubt send countless more Southern men to fight and die for the US government on foreign soil, our focus shifted to an opposition to US foreign policy. Our sides were flanked by Southern Nationalist and Confederate Battle flags. Russian Tsar flags signified our acknowledgement of the Christian people of Russia. Signs opposing US intervention and US anti-Christian foreign policy were displayed, along with “GOP is anti-white”.
We saw more media interest than I’ve personally ever witnessed at a demonstration, but several notable mentions include a Norwegian journalist who opted to shadow us through the event, the Washington correspondent for Political Cesspool and the Guardian. Liberty Lamp made an appearance, incorrectly (intentionally?) crediting the event to American Third Position to their leftist twitter feed.
While we encountered a few loud, effeminate young males who felt the need to threaten us with their entire non-existent political careers, we received mostly positive feedback. Several passersby asked to join us waving flags temporarily. At every opportunity Southern independence was put at the forefront of conversation. Unlike regular LS demonstrations, CPAC afforded us a direct audience, coming straight out of a convention which left many disappointed and sickened. The League was shown as the only true alternative to the nonsense they had just endured inside.
The biggest lesson learned as a group was the ability to be flexible with the situation; to bend our understanding of how a demonstration should be held when the target audience called for it. As an individual, though I already knew it cognitively, it was a chance to truly see the lack of difference between mainstream republicans and democrats. As more Southerners come to this realization, they will find the League of the South has the only logical way out.
Thanks to all those in attendance from Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, and Indiana.
cpac-lscpac-2 cpac-8cpac-4 cpac-5 cpac-6 cpac-7cpac-3

US House votes for war vs Novorossiya secessionists

March 24, 2015
Congress urges foreign intervention against New Russia
Novorossiya forces seek self-determination and are opposed by Kiev, the US and EU.
The US House of Representatives, with broad support from the two ruling parties, voted to send weapons to the Ukraine forces fighting against Russian-speaking secessionists in break-away eastern regions known as Novorossiya. Thus far US President Barack Obama has largely resisted calls for US military intervention in the foreign conflict from Democratic and Republican hawks. The Ukrainian government, notorious for itscorruption, is strongly supported by liberal internationalists such as George Soros and neo-conservative internationalists such asJohn McCain.
In the following SNN Twitter video we report this news and asks how it benefits us to intervene and create new enemies abroad.

Feds Out of Florida’ overpass rally held in Tampa

The first ‘Feds out of Florida’ rally of 2015 was held in Tampa. On the overpass at I-4 & 301.  Several people (many of them local members of the League of the South) rallied to support the idea of seceding from the American Empire and becoming an independent republic.  To tell folks they can have a better life and a higher standard of living.  A Florida free from interference by the Federal government. A Florida where the Southern People make the rules.
The rally began at two in the afternoon. A large banner was attached to the chain link fence on the overpass so that drivers below could read “Florida League of the South” and the website,  Framing the banner were two 10ft poles, one with the Florida flag & another with the Bonnie Blue flag.  We then spread across the overpass so that passing drivers could read the message on our signs, ‘Feds Out of Florida’. Honking horns were heard for two hours as we received overwhelming support from passers by. Things wrapped up as storm clouds rolled in.  As we walked off the overpass & back to our vehicles, passing drivers still gave us shouts of support. It was a fun day and very successful event.