Sunday 10 February 2013

Memphis, Tennessee turns back on Southern identity

The City of Memphis has decided to eliminate the Southern names for three city parks. WMCTV covers the story: The council decided Nathan Bedford Forrest Park will now be called Health Sciences Park. Confederate Park will no[w] be named Memphis Park and Jefferson Davis Park will now be known as Mississippi River Park. It should be noted that Memphis’s population is now 62% Black and less than 30% White. ‘New South’ democracy and equality mean that Southern heroes are cast aside while people (such as those who staff the local government) with no regard for the historic Southern identity and culture of the city are allowed to push their anti-Southern and anti-White agenda.


  1. The way Memphis is falling apart it wont be long before there is no Memphis.

  2. I read that the state had to step in and pass legislation to prevent this from happening in the future . I grew up in Memphis and my Dad worked for the Memphis Park Commission so I went to all the parks . This is inexcusable behavior for elected officials to try and do away with historic landmarks . It doesn't surprise me though . Look at any city in this country that is run by Democrats and you'll see they are all miserable failures .
